I'm so lucky to live in Truckee!!! This photo was shot this morning, here at Donner Lake in Truckee, California. I was able to grab my gear, walk out the door of my new pad, and literally 60 seconds later, I was at this location taking photos. The fog on the water caught my eye, so I grabbed my gear and made the incredibly difficult walk over to the lake, lol. The fall colors around town are looking great. They haven't peaked yet, but there is still plenty of yellows to be seen.

Shot with a Canon 5DS R and a 24-105mm lens, set at 47mm. The ISO was 200, the shutter speed was 1/200 of a second, and the lens aperture was f/20. Handheld, no tripod or lens filters. The small lens aperture helps get that sunburst and the little sparkly star-like effect of the sun's reflection on the water.
Thanks for looking and I hope you all have a great day! (My day is starting off nice!)
Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography